Documentation for Users  1.1.3
Perception Toolbox for Virtual Reality (PTVR) Manual

  • What should I do if I get a ModuleNotFoundError message in the Python console ?
    ‘ModuleNotFoundError : No Module named 'PTVR’`

Answer : Read the IMPORTANT warning in the Install Python subsection about setting the Python Environment Variable PYTHONPATH.

  • What should I do if I get a TypeError message in the Python console :
    For instance, in the Spyder IDE :
    ‘TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'image_fil’ `

From this message, you can guess that there is no 'image_fil' parameter in the Sprite() object. To help you solve this issue, you can look at all the parameters of an object by looking at the Docstring of this object.
In spyder, for instance, you can hover with your mouse on the word Sprite in the script. As shown in the image below, a grey window will appear (here just above the word Sprite) with all parameters' names and explanations about them: this is the Docstring of the Sprite object. In this case, you can see that there is a parameter called 'image_file' in the Sprite object and that the error arose from misspelling this name.

Note: You could also type "Ctrl + i" once your mouse cursor is inserted on the Sprite word in the script. Then, the docstring would appear in the top right pane (see image below).

  • How can I quit (exit) a PTVR program ?

Answer : When nothing is programmed within the PTVR script to quit (e.g. the demo, simply close the window of the PTVR running script (usually by clicking with your mouse in the window's top right corner). This is a safe way of quitting.